Behavioral Health Treatment in Vermont

Discover how our clinically driven addiction treatment programs help residents of Vermont on their path to recovery.

Valley Vista is one of the leading options if you’re seeking a Vermont drug rehab center. We offer a variety of individualized treatment programs that speak to who you are now and where you’d like to be in your recovery. At our center, we understand the complexities of substance use and the many effects it has throughout every aspect of your life and the lives of the people who love you.

Valley Vista has two treatment centers in Vermont. Our men’s facility is located in Bradford, and our women’s facility is located two hours away in Vergennes. With our two physical locations, we offer treatment to residents of not only Vermont, but across New England and New York.

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Why Does Addiction Happen?

Addiction is a disease influenced by many factors—biological, psychological, and environmental. When someone develops an addiction it usually involves multiple individual vulnerabilities, genetic predispositions, and exposure to certain substances.

Key factors contributing to addiction that have to be considered as part of a treatment plan include:

Whether you’re personally struggling with addiction or you’re helping a loved one, Valley Vista is an evidence-based treatment center. At our Vermont behavioral health center, we offer inpatient care in a warm, safe, and comfortable environment. Our programs are clinically focused compared to other facilities offering addiction treatment in Vermont.

A personalized and focused approach

How Is Addiction Treated?

Addiction is something that’s been heavily researched in the past few decades, so treatment is guided by this clinical and scientific evidence. We know that addiction to drugs or alcohol isn’t a weakness or a moral failure—it’s a chronic disease, and it should be treated as such.

Treatment for addiction should include an individualized and integrative approach addressing the physical, social, and psychological aspects of the disease. Treatment integrates a combination of therapeutic modalities, lifestyle changes, and support systems.

Many people do well in a continuum of care, so they participate in several levels of care at varying intensities, with each preparing them to move on to the next.

These levels of care typically begin with a supervised detoxification. During supervised detox, your withdrawal symptoms can be safely managed, with medical professionals supporting you and providing medications and other interventions as needed to reduce your symptoms and cravings.

From there, for most people, the next step is an inpatient or residential treatment program. Inpatient rehab provides 24-hour, around-the-clock care in a very structured environment. The programs will include individual and group therapy, holistic treatments, educational sessions, and other therapeutic activities.

When someone is ready, they might then move into a less intensive outpatient program, which continues to support them but also flexibility and independent living.

While everyone’s treatment plan will be specific to them, things that might be included are:

As you are choosing a behavioral health center in Vermont, we encourage you to learn more about our programs at Valley Vista, guided by clinical expertise, human understanding, and empathy.

Specialized Treatment

What About Gender-Specific Treatment?

At Valley Vista, we are a Vermont behavioral health center offering truly gender-specific treatment. Our inpatient male and female treatment facilities are hours from each other, and this is because we believe it offers the best recovery outcomes. Our treatment programs are based on the understanding that men and women often have different experiences, challenges, and needs when it comes to recovery from addiction.  

Benefits of gender-specific addiction treatment include:

Valley Visa is a respected Vermont dual diagnosis treatment center with both a men’s and women’s inpatient program. Both include a wide variety of therapeutic approaches, medical and mental health services, and holistic therapies like art and music therapy. If you’d like to learn more or if you’re ready to take the next step, contact us today.